CBD Rub: How and When to Apply It

CBD Rub: How and When to Apply It

Posted by Guardian Athletic on Nov 26, 2021

It's a normal Tuesday afternoon, and you've been so pumped up on hitting the gym since you are confident about hitting a new personal record. You've started lifting heavier weights, and even though you feel that your muscles are going to tear up, you still kept ongoing. It took you 2 hours before yo …
The Truth of CBD in Track and Field

The Truth of CBD in Track and Field

Posted by Guardian Athletic on Jun 25, 2021

The rise of CBD in the market made a great impact in the sports industry because of the physical benefits of CBD. Even though different athletes widely use that CBD, it is still heavily researched by different medical professionals, not to see if it's safe, but to look further into its benefits. Spo …
Outdoor Treatment for Muscle Pain

Outdoor Treatment for Muscle Pain

Posted by Guardian Athletic on May 11, 2021

Muscle pain is one of the worst things that we can experience in our lives. Imagine that you're enjoying a great full-body workout until you feel that intense pain in your back, shoulders, and forearms. You can't do anything about it since you know that your body reached its limit. What makes it wor …